They were two healthy, young women when both of their lives changed in the blink of an eye. In 2015, Christina suddenly became very ill. After many misdiagnoses and long hospital stays, she was finally diagnosed with a multi-systemic disease in 2017. Refusing to live a life of pills and wheelchairs, she spent the following years studying natural remedies to help heal, alleviate symptoms and pull toxins from her body. Through her research and studying her Masters in Sustainability at Harvard, she was shocked to learn how toxic our world actually is, and therefore, our bodies.
During the same time, Julie survived a traumatic assault. Despite this, she was determined to feel safe again and not let this event control her life. She knew it was going to demand serious self-love rituals to heal and reconnect with herself.
Christina and Julie were taking baths to help heal through self-care. During this time, they realized the power that a bath holds and created natural bath formulas to target symptoms. Once they experienced the impact of their natural bath formulas, they wanted to share their soaks so others could feel the same relief.
This is an episode about self-care, healing, bringing relief to our bodies & to remember your body is your temple. Run a bath, light a candle, dim the lights and enjoy the episode.