Amy Loewenberg

Amy Loewenberg Profile Photo

Sr Relations Manager - NY NOW / Retailer Advocate / Podcaster

I really dont have any great pics of me. let me know if the one attached is usable (small I hope) or I can sent my old work headshot! :)

Bio- feel free to shrink
Some of you already know me but some are just meeting me now, so let me share a little bit about myself:
Currently I am the Senior Relations Manager for NY NOW and a NYC Native. However, I have lived on both coasts in spent some time in the mid-west before I eventually returned home to forge a path in the world of design and decor.
But no matter where I called home, I was managing stores and districts, creating training and operational programs, championing successful sales and purchasing teams, developing strategic business plans and making important partnerships along the way.
My passion for product grew exponentially when I returned to NYC and was purchasing for an iconic NYC paper and gift store known as Kate’s Paperie to a 130-location mini department store known as Blue Tulip to fostering the first ever purchasing program for the non-profit Housing Work. I drank the Kool-Aid! Whether I was buying greeting cards and invitations, homewares, tabletop, or textiles, I was enamored with everything from paper to cement and the impact they made on my business.
It was a no brainer for me to move into this role for NY NOW, a market I have been attending for decades. My high-level and firsthand experience helps me to not just be a resource for you but it allows me to highlight you, our remarkable community. It also gives me the ability to gain insight on the shifting patterns that impacts the way we work and to share information in both directions so we all can make informed choices that directly shapes the future of our businesses from retailers to tradeshows.
I consider myself to be champion for people, for product and for paving new lanes for mutually beneficial and treasured relationships that celebrate our love for what we do and why we do it. This is my past, my present and my future.