Ken Lain

Ken Lain Profile Photo


Ken Lain is known by his friends as 'The Mountain Gardener'. His weekly garden advice is featured by Prescott Living and Prescott Woman Magazines, the Daily Courier, Prescott eNews, and Signals AZ Newspapers. Ken is passionate about plants, creative landscape design, and spreading the good news that gardening is healthy and fun.

Ken dreamed of owning his own business after graduating from Prescott High School. Yavapai College peaked his business interest that finished a Management degree from ASU's W.P. Carey School of Business. His garden credentials are Master Gardener, Certified Nursery Profession, and Watters Garden Center owner, located on Iron Springs Road in Prescott. Ken and wife Lisa host the 'Mountain Garden radio hour' as they share garden tips, tricks, and techniques on both The Big Talker and KQNA talk radio.

Throughout the week, Ken talks up plants at Watters Garden Center in Prescott, where his digital garden center is located online at