A lawyer since 1995 practicing in high conflict family litigation and child welfare and overwhelmed with the heaviness of the profession I decided in 2003 to start selling jewelry. I started with a total of $1500 which back then meant I could buy 3-4 lines. I went to showrooms in NYC and had no idea what things like net 30 or open to buy or Xfactory meant. What I did know was people liked my eye. Gradually I added some gift items and boxed graphic tees. Jewelry was becoming very competitive and I’d grown up going with my mom to homes and hotel rooms where ladies sold clothes. So in 2007 I decided to fly West to LA for market because I had a feeling I’d see new and fresh items that weren’t on the east coast. By 2008 I was selling clothing mostly and some girlfriend gifts. I would sell at holiday boutiques and charity luncheons and out of a home studio. It was the fun and light side to a heavy job. I continued practicing as a lawyer and eventually went into non-profit child welfare management but still continued with my business. I traveled to LA, NY, Vegas, Atlanta to find the freshest trends in clothing and gift. I expanded and at one point had the concession in 3 salons, a website and Instagram. I was definitely an over-extended one woman show. When COVID came along it changed everything. I pull out of my final salon, all events were cancelled and I definitely had to pivot. I rode the mask and mask chain sales, sold athleisure wear. Today I’m so grateful to be in business this long and have loyal customers and met so many great people in the industry who have become friends