In 2022, Energy Muse is *the* crystal authority. But when co-founders Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro first started Energy Muse over 20 years ago, it was with just one necklace.
Heather, who had been traveling the world in the name of spiritual research for some time, had turned her Manhattan Beach home into a makeshift energy lab where she could test ancient holistic philosophies. She began tinkering with a formula to create the energy of wealth.
By combining the crystal energy of Jade, ancient Chinese symbolism and numerology, she created an “energetic equation” that she would later call the Prosperity Necklace. Heather gave 10 samples of the necklace to 10 of her most skeptical friends, including Timmi, who had been one of her best friends since the single digits. She asked everyone to wear the piece for 10 days and report back on their experience.
Timmi had worked as a merchandiser in the garment industry for 12 years and knew how to get a product into mass production. As one of Heather’s many energy experiment guinea pigs, Timmi knew firsthand how effective energy work could be: she received an unexpected job offer while wearing her necklace for 10 days.
Working with Heather was an opportunity for Timmi to use her experience and business obsession to create a company that she could actually be inspired by. Her time in the New York garment industry had left her burnt-out and seeking more. This was the perfect opportunity to give her work the meaning she’d been longing for.
Once Heather and Timmi set their intention to grow their business, they began a line of production for the Prosperity Necklace. They filled the trunks of their cars with the cleansed-and-charged crystal jewelry and hand-delivered them to clients around Manhattan Beach. Just a few miles away from Hollywood, it wasn’t long until word of the “flip flop girls with the energy beads” reached the A-listers. Heather and Timmi were ushered into the back of exclusive parties to sell their crystals and rub elbows with the rich and famous. Even as their business expanded and became one of the most notable crystal energy brands in the industry, Heather and Timmi never forgot what was at the center of their success: healing crystals.
Through the ups and downs, Energy Muse has continued to grow because Heather and Timmi have always listened to their intuition and let the energy of the crystals guide them in the right direction. And they have never let the driving force of the business waver: helping people empower themselves. Their intention has always been to provide people with everything they need to create positive shifts in their energy and life.
Everyone can have a success story of their own: simply let the crystals be your muse.